Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is kin•dom community?
A: kin•dom is a queer-led organization creating space for queer community, belonging, and celebration. Inspired by the concept first named by theologian Ada María Isasi-Díaz, “kin•dom” envisions the full inclusion and interdependent relationships of all people. kin·dom community’s vision is to be an example of what is possible when love and inclusion are the norm. Follow this link to learn more about kin•dom community.
Q: My camper is excited about the LGBTQIA+ aspect of camp, but we have questions about the ties
with a faith-based camp...
A: While Stronghold programming is typically faith-based, we are fully committed to the work of kin•dom camp and to creating a safe environment for our campers. As a community, we recognize the pain and hurt that the church has caused LGBTQIA+ people. As part of our desire to dismantle prejudices in faith spaces and see this harm healed, campers have the opportunity to sign up for workshops and activities that may relate to faith and spirituality. Those conversations remain opt-in only; our camp-wide curriculum centers around the queer experience. Camp curriculums are rooted in shared beliefs, and we know that our common ground is a desire to be in queer-affirming community. There is no expectation of faith – the only thing we expect is a commitment to welcoming and celebrating everyone where they are, as they are.
Q: What does “kin•dom” mean?
A: The word “kin•dom” offers a new way of imagining the full inclusion and belonging of all people. It
is a word that offers an alternative to "kingdom" and allows a more expansive view of how we are all
connected. It moves beyond dynamics of power and oppression, and invites us all to see the ways
we are interconnected and made better together. The word was originally brought forth by theologian
Ada María Isasi-Díaz, who used the word to speak about the liberation that is intended for all people.
This camp is a direct part of kin•dom community, and there is no greater vision we can imagine for
LBGTQIA+ youth than for them to know that they belong, that they are loved, and that they are free
and safe to be their whole selves.
Q: How will kin•dom camp be different from any other summer camp?
A: Now more than ever, LGBTQIA+ youth are in need of unconditional love and acceptance. kin•dom
camp will be a week for LGBTQIA+ youth to experience belonging and affirmation. The week will
include plenty of "traditional" camp activities and recreation, plus some specialized programming to
incorporate activities and conversations around queer history, culture, and experiences.